Dorset Coast Forum – Organisations working together with communities to protect, enhance and promote our coast and surrounding seas.

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5 days ago
Dorset Coast Forum

Isn't this mesmerising?
March brings us Seagrass Awareness Month which gives us the opportunity to highlight and celebrate this amazing global resource. Studland is blessed with seagrass meadows which can produce up to 10 TONNES of oxygen each day!!..That's enough to support 10,000 humans! Pretty amazing stuff that's worth protecting! #dorsetcoast #coastalinnovation #studlandseagrass #seagrassawarenessmonth National Trust Studland Bay boatfolk Planet Purbeck Ocean Conservation Trust
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4 weeks ago
Dorset Coast Forum
Today is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science!

We are proud to share that our Young Coastal Champion Chloe was interviewed live this morning for BBC radio Solent’s Breakfast show with Steve Harris!  Chloe at 16 is one or our youngest Coastal Champions who researches seahorses whilst diving on the Dorset Coast with her dad, Chris Brown.

Go Chloe!! You are an inspiration for Women and Girls in Science and also helping young people to connect with the coast. Thank you for being Dorset Coast Forums Young Coastal Champion! πŸŒŠπŸ’™πŸ™Œ 

Find out more about Chloes work and our Young Coastal Champions at 

#dorsetcoast #coastalconnection 

πŸ“· Chris Brown

Today is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science!

We are proud to share that our Young Coastal Champion Chloe was interviewed live this morning for BBC radio Solent’s Breakfast show with Steve Harris! Chloe at 16 is one or our youngest Coastal Champions who researches seahorses whilst diving on the Dorset Coast with her dad, Chris Brown.

Go Chloe!! You are an inspiration for Women and Girls in Science and also helping young people to connect with the coast. Thank you for being Dorset Coast Forum's Young Coastal Champion! πŸŒŠπŸ’™πŸ™Œ

Find out more about Chloe's work and our Young Coastal Champions at

#dorsetcoast #coastalconnection

πŸ“· Chris Brown
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