30 Year Celebrations 2025

We are celebrating 30 years of Dorset Coast Forum (1995-2025)!

 This year we are celebrating our 30 year anniversary! This milestone marks three decades of achievements where our journey has been marked by numerous key milestones that reflect the dedication, passion, and commitment of the DCF team, and valued members and partnerships.

As part of our celebrations, we aim to showcase these accomplishments and honour those who have played, and those who presently play, an active role in bringing wider benefits to the Dorset Coast. From policy makers to beach cleaners, fishers to lifeguards, and conservationists to swimmers, each one is a champion of our coast.

Nominate a coastal champion

To kick off the celebrations, we invite you to nominate your coastal champion – someone who lives or works along the Dorset coast, from all ages, backgrounds, and sectors. We would love to hear the story of this person, their work or passion for the coast, whilst raising awareness of challenges that coastal communities face.

Successful nominations will be featured in our ‘Coastal Life Stories’ exhibition, highlighting the diverse and inspiring stories of our Dorset coastal communities. The Coastal Life Stories exhibition will be displayed at various coastal events and locations throughout the year, finishing in our 30 year celebration at the DCF conference in November 2025.

Contact us with your nomination and a short paragraph of why you think this person is a coastal champion and should be part of the Coastal Life Stories exhibition. 

The deadline for nominations is Friday 4 April 2025

Remembering DCF achievements

We also want to hear your thoughts and memories of DCF’s achievements or a time you remember working with us over the years. Whether it’s a project, an engagement or community event, a conference, or a workshop, we would love to include your highlight as part of our celebrations.

Contact us to tell us about your DCF memories 


Join us in the Celebrations!

Our members are key to the success of the Dorset Coast Forum through our collaborations and partnerships. We are eager to make you part of our celebrations. Throughout this year, we will keep you updated via eNews, emails, and social media with further details of how you can be involved in the celebrations.

Please join us in the celebrations and stay tuned for updates!

Dorset Coast Forum - over the years


Over the years,  Dorset Coast Forum has successfully delivered numerous impactful projects and achieved significant milestones. Here are some of the highlights.

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C-Scope (2009-2012)

The Forum produced the first pilot marine spatial plan for any stretch of the English coast – a trail-blazing initiative under the C-SCOPE project which shaped national implementation of the regime of statutory marine spatial plans brought in by the Marine and Coastal Access Act.

20 year anniversary celebrations

Dorset Coast Forum celebrated their 20th anniverary with an event for DCF members. The event looked back at the history of the Forum and some of its many achievements and was also a chance to thank members for their input over the years. 

David Boyle, an author and journalist, provided an inspirational talk about the value of the human element in organisations –which is listening to what people want before planning what is needed. 

He felt that the Dorset Coast Forum is a prime example of a collaborative venture, that encourages discussion – starting from what people around them want to achieve and then helping them do it.

DCF Annual Conferences

DCF hold an annual conference for our members on a wide range of topics and issues. Here is Denys Brunsden presented at the 2015 Anuual Conference.

Park Yoga

DCF helped to set up Park Yoga in 2017 which is now still a regular activty taking place along the coast.

FLAG (2017-2019)

The Dorset and East Devon Fisheries Local Action Group (FLAG) (2017-2019) was launched in March 2017. This £800,000 investment from the MMO supported the fisheries, aquaculture and related sectors in communities along the coast from Swanage to Beer.

Dorset Coastal Connections (2017-2019)

Dorset Coastal Connections was a £5.6 million grant from the Coastal Community Fund which supported 18 community, well-being and infrastructure projects along Dorset’s coast.

Weymouth Station Forecourt Improvements (2021-2023)

This partnership project made significant improvements by transforming the train forecourt into a more welcoming and user-friendly place for visitors and residents of the town.

The project was award as Highly Commended for the Transportation Project of the Year award at the Charted Institute of Highways and Transportation Southwest Awards.

Flooding Swanage with Art 2023

As part of the Swanage Town Coastal Protection Scheme the Environment Agency currently install temporary wave barriers during the winter months to protect the town from flood risk. A community art project was created using art murals on the blocks for both a specific visual impact for the visually impaired; and also to enhance the town using artistic creativity to raise awareness of the impact of sea level rise and coastal flooding.

We were delighted to be recognised at the Flood & Coast Excellence Awards 2024 in the Community Action category!

Studland Bay Marine Partnership

The Studland Bay Marine Partnership (SBMP) brings together stakeholders including conservation and boating organisations, academics, community groups and supporting local businesses. Formed to find a solution that meets the needs of the public and recreational boaters to continue to enjoy the bay, whilst protecting and restoring the sensitive seagrass habitat at Studland within the Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) and Voluntary No Anchor Zone (VNAZ)