Welcome to Dorset Coast Forum’s July 2023 eNews update. If you have information to share, or wish to unsubscribe, please email dorset.coast@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk.
Follow us on Twitter at @Dorset_CF, Facebook/Instagram @DorsetCoastForum. Find links to our projects at @dorsetcoastforum | Linktree
DCF Annual Conference, 27th September- Book your place!
The DCF Annual Conference 2023, aimed at DCF members, will take place on Bournemouth’s beautiful seafront at the Marsham Court Hotel. Themes include nature recovery, a Local Nature Recovery Strategy Workshop, coastal developments, storm overflows and water quality. Plus, plenty of networking opportunities, information stalls and buffet lunch. Agenda and list of speakers to be shared over the coming weeks. Last year’s event was well attended, so don’t delay, Book your place HERE!

Dorset Coast Strategy Members Workshop 17th July
6pm to 7.30pmHave your Say! DCF members are invited to an online engagement workshop to discuss and give feedback on the new Dorset Coast strategy. The aim of the strategy is to support the work of our members, promote sustainable coastal management and help identify and strengthen partnership working. A final draft will also be shared with members for further feedback and we hope to launch the final strategy at the DCF Conference. We only have a few places left – book your place now!
Meet Izzy, our new team member!We have recently welcomed Izzy Kelsall to the DCF team as our Admin Assistant. Izzy has worked within creative industries and in operational and support roles over the last 15 years. After a few years of living in Valencia, Izzy and her husband moved to raise their young family in Dorset. She loves exploring the Dorset coast, fossil hunting with her kids and taking a dip in the sea.

Recognition of DCF and our partners
- Weymouth Flood Householder Guide highly commended at the Flood & Coast Conference 2023 Exciting news! DCF were Highly Commended at the Flood and Coast Excellence Awards 2023 for the BRIC householder guide to flooding for Melcombe Regis, Weymouth. Congratulations to DCF’s Dan Williams who produced the guide, based on community feedback and working with BRIC partners.
- Weymouth Station Gateway Project – 2 nominations We are pleased to announce that the improvements to Weymouth Train Station forecourt, car park and pocket park were Highly Commended for the Transportation Project of the Year award at the Charted institute of Highways and Transportation southwest awards. In addition, the project has been nominated for an Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) Southwest Civil Engineering Awards 2023 that recognises outstanding civil engineering achievement, innovation and ingenuity in the region. You can get involved by voting for the project you would like to see win the People’s Choice Award.
- Studland Bay Marine Partnership – Eco-Mooring Project Exciting national coverage for the eco-mooring project on BBC’s Springwatch has been a real awareness boost for informing boat owners and other visitors to Studland Bay on the importance of protecting this vital seagrass habitat. A huge thank-you to the Springwatch team for helping to spread the word.