Outdoor Classroom Day

Outdoor Classroom Day is a global movement to inspire and celebrate outdoor play and learning, at home and at school. On Outdoor Classroom Day itself, which has two dates each year, teachers celebrate with a special day outdoors for their class.

Dorset Coast Forum celebrate Outdoor Classroom Day every Spring and Autumn and invite Dorset coastal schools and communities to join us in celebrating our coast. We offer opportunities for schools to join us out and about on the coast to learn about their local coastline in a fun and interactive way.

If your school or community group are interesting in taking part, please contact us to find out if we have a project in your area.

Coming up this Autumn 2024

Chesil Cove Outdoor Classroom Day 16th October 2024

Swanage Outdoor Classroom Day 7th November 2024

On 16th October 2024, Dorset Coast Forum will be at Chesil Cove, Portland with a range of activities for children to take part in. We will have the Dorset Coast Forum wave tank to demonstrate how different flood defences work, a walk-and-talk around the area, and a ‘draw or make your own defences’ activity!

We encourage inquisitive minds to learn about their natural environment and the challenges it faces with a focus on coastal engineering solutions.

Simply get in touch with Dan to book!

The Swanage  temporary flood defence blocks are different this year – why? We encourage inquisitive minds and you can find out the answer to this question and lots more about coastal flood protection and coastal erosion as we once again host local schools on the seafront.

Join Dorset Coast Forum Project Officer Sara and artist Andy Knill as we view and learn more about why this coastal flood protection scheme is so vital during this 1 hour session where we will be learning how the art trail helps the community understand and relate to coastal flood protection as well as learning why the art trail has been created to help the visually impaired better navigate the wave barriers. To book a place or to find out more details please contact Project Officer Sara.

Previous Outdoor Classroom Days

Swanage Wave Barrier Art Project Nov 2023

Children from 3 Swanage Schools were taken on a ‘Talking Art Walk’ along the seafront to see the Flooding Swanage with Art project with DCF Project Officer Sara Parker and local artist Andy Knill.

Swanage Seafront May 2023

Swanage schools joined DCF and educational experts from Sustainable Swanage and the Environment Agency and took part in hands-on science and technology activities.