Poole Harbour Paddler Power Map
Poole Harbour paddler’s map is for canoeists, kayakers, stand up paddleboarders… and everyone that uses paddle power!
This free map has been created in collaboration with watersports professionals, conservation charities, Poole Harbour Commissioners and RLNI.
It’s your guide to safety advice, wildlife sensitivities and top tips so you can enjoy your adventures knowing you’re safe and you’re helping keep local wildlife safe too.
Poole Harbour Paddle Power Map
Download a copy
Poole Harbours Bird And Recreation Initiative (BARI)
BARI is a Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) Council and Dorset Council funded project to manage sustainable access within the harbour and protect SPA Birdlife.
If you would like to know more follow us on Instagram, FB or Twitter @birdsofbari
Share your adventures with us #paddlepowered #birdsofbari