Working in partnership to help protect the town of Swanage from the risks of coastal flooding.
Project overview
In storm events or high tide and easterly winds, the town centre’s current defences suffer from waves overtopping the sea wall. This is an ongoing issue and has diverse implications for Swanage, impacting the environment, businesses, and tourism. The impacts of these events on Swanage have demonstrated the need for improved protection.
Dorset Council in partnership with the Environment Agency, Dorset Coast Forum and Swanage Town Council are looking at options for coastal flood defences to help protect the town of Swanage.
The scheme aims to provide a permanent flood defence scheme to Shore Road and the Mowlem Slipway area, The Square, The Parade and Lower High Street. This central location currently relies on seasonal emergency temporary flood defences which are deployed each winter by the Environment Agency to help protect the town from high tides and storms.
Dorset Council’s Flood & Coastal Erosion Risk Management Team (FCERM), supported by JBA Consultants are leading the progression of a single scheme and an outline business case which will be submitted to the Environment Agency to bid for government funding for the scheme.
If funding is obtained, there will be further consultation with community and specific groups as the project develops. Design proposals for the flood protection scheme will be shared through direct contact, structured workshops and open community consultation events led and facilitated by Dorset Coast Forum on behalf of the project.
#CoastalInnovation #CoastalConnection
Who’s listening?

Sara Parker
Project Officer, Dorset Coast Forum
01305 224728 / 07780 148790