The Moors at Arne – Project Resources

Public Exhibition June 2022

Stakeholder Liaison Group

The purpose of the Stakeholder Liaison Group is to share the latest information and updates on Project progress, provide a forum for facilitated comment and discussion where questions can be raised and answers provided, and to clarify the next stages of the Project. The Group is an advisory group, not a decision making body but it is able to influence certain elements of the project.

The Group consists of interested parties and organisations who may have an interest in the project’s delivery. It includes representation on flood risk, boating, business, access, recreation, landscape, birds and wildlife, and the local community.

The Moors at Arne Stakeholder Liaison Group – Terms of Reference 2023

Wareham Channel Sediments Characterisation Report 2024

SLG Meeting Presentation (March 2024)

SLG Meeting Notes (March 2024)

SLG Meeting 11 Presentation (July 2023)

SLG Meeting 11 Notes (July 2023)

SLG Meeting 9 Presentation (April 2021)

SLG Meeting 9 Notes (April 2021)

SLG Meeting 8 Presentation (February 2021)

SLG Meeting 8 Notes (February 2021)

SLG Meeting 7 Presentation (November 2020)

SLG Meeting 7 Notes (November 2020)

SLG Meeting 6 Presentation (September 2020)

SLG Meeting 6 Notes (September 2020)

SLG Meeting 5 Presentation

SLG Meeting 5 Notes (October 2019)

SLG Meeting 4 Presentation

SLG Meeting 4 Notes (June 2019)

SLG Meeting 3 Presentation

SLG Meeting 3 Notes (November 2018)

SLG Meeting 2 Presentation

SLG Meeting 2 Notes (October 2018)

SLG Meeting 1 Presentation

SLG Meeting 1 Notes (September 2018)