Working in partnership to help protect the town of Weymouth from the risks of coastal flooding
Project overview
As a low-lying coastal town, Weymouth is at risk of coastal flooding and erosion from the sea and flooding from surface water and the river. If a severe weather event takes place in Weymouth, thousands of homes and businesses could be flooded.
In accordance with climate change predictions (UKCP18), sea levels are rising, and extreme weather events will happen more often and may be more severe. It is predicted that in 100 years, the average sea level can be more than one metre higher than it is today. This means that all high tides and low tides will be one meter higher, too.
As part of the Weymouth Harbour and Esplanade Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM) Scheme, Dorset Council is working with Dorset Coast Forum, the Environment Agency, Wessex Water, BCP Council and WSP (engineering consultants), to develop an Outline Business Case (OBC).
An OBC is a document required by the UK Government Treasury when government funds are requested. The OBC will investigate costs and benefits of a range of options, then recommend the preferred options to improve Weymouth’s resilience to coastal flood and erosion risks.
This OBC project will build on earlier work carried out by Dorset Council and the Environment Agency exploring possible options for managing coastal flood and erosion risk in Weymouth. The earlier work recommended a phased approach to improve resilience in three stages:
- up to 2042
- up to 2062
- up to 2122 and beyond
The OBC being produced will apply for funding for the first phase of work to take the project up to 2042. It will prioritise sections of harbour walls that are currently lower, or close to the end of their design life, and sections identified along the esplanade which are at the most risk of erosion.
Managing impacts associated with any proposed improvements is a key consideration. These include minimising disruption as far as practicable to businesses, harbour operations, residents, and the community of Weymouth, and managing impacts on fisheries and the environment. As part of the project, we will also be delivering exciting new regeneration opportunities for Weymouth.
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