Portland Outdoor Classroom Day – Sign Up Now!

Portland Outdoor Classroom Day – Sign Up Now!

We are excited to announce we are hosting a free Outdoor Classroom Day on Chesil Beach, Chiswell, on Wednesday 16th October 2024. This is a free offer for local schools and young people’s organisations in Portland and Wyke Regis focussing on STEM related topics on the coast. This year we are thrilled to offer a personal guided tour of the local flood defences, interactive demonstrations of sea-level rise using our exciting new ‘wave-tank’, and the chance for the children to design their own flood defence structures!

How can you get involved:

  • Our offer is open to school and youth organisations in the Portland and Wyke Regis areas, age ranges from KS2-4 and we can tailor the content and length of your seafront session to suit you – between 30 mins to an hour
  • Interested schools can get more information and book sessions in advance by contacting the Dorset Coast Forum Project Officer Dan via email at dan.williams@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk or by calling 01305 228679
  • In advance, you will be sent information and an accompanying lesson plan on coastal flood risk and erosion

Please call or email me to book your slot – places are limited but we will try to accommodate everyone as best we can! 

‘Love Your Weymouth’ Festival

‘Love Your Weymouth’ Festival

We recently attended the first ever ‘Love Your Weymouth’ festival, hosted by Weymouth Town Council as an opportunity to speak to local residents and visitors about how they can increase their resilience to flooding, along with the work being done to reduce the risk in the future. We had a great time having open discussions about peoples’ flood risk, what they can do, and how they can feel empowered to adapt to the impacts of climate change. This was a great chance to update people on the work that Dorset Council and WSP are doing to develop the Outline Business Case. We can’t wait to attend again next year!

Stall at a festival discussing flood risk